The month of October was about all things Tusk in 1979. The double album was released on the 12th of October and landed on store shelves 2 days after the city of Los Angeles declared October 10th as Fleetwood Mac Day. Fleetwood Mac recieved their star on Hollywood’s Walk of Fame just outside the Fredrick’s of Hollywood store on Hollywood Blvd. The tour in support of Tusk began on the 26th in Pocatello, ID and ended September 1, 1980 at the Hollywood Bowl in Los Angeles, CA. The Tusk lp was certified double platinum on October 22, 1984. Other notable dates for the month of October include: Stevie’s best friend Robin Anderson passed away on October 5, 1982 from complications due to leukemia – Bella Donna being certifed platinum October 7, 1981 – Trouble in Shangri-La tour wraps up on October 10, 2001 in Universal City, CA – The Dance was certified platinum October 16, 1997.

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