“I am doing (the Santa Barbara show) because I have a little friend who is 8 years old. Her name is Cecelia and she has a very rare form of cancer. It’s called rhabdomyosarcoma, a rare soft tissue cancer. It was a mass hiding behind her cheekbone and it extended to her cranium and down to her naval cavity. She has 45 straight weeks of chemotherapy and six weeks of daily radiation.”
“I am very good friends with her parents, from Los Angeles, and she has three sisters. It is very painful, and how in the world she has managed to get though it as well as she has is just mind-blowing.”
“We are giving her the proceeds from the show — it is not a benefit. This is basically my salary and that’s what she is getting. I am also doing a T-shirt. I have been drawing since 1981 because my best friend died of leukemia in 1981. I started to draw her little things just little drawings to put on her wall. I certainly would not have started to draw if she had not gotten cancer and died of it. So, I am going back to my vault of drawings and pulling out a really special one and we’re going to have it printed on T-shirts and sell it. Not only will it be great because some money will go to Cecelia, but the fans will get one of my drawings that they would not otherwise get.”