I remember a kind hearted man who went out of his way to make a…

Stevie’s New Album (speculations)

With the latest ‘tweets’ from Dave Stewart and several new interviews the fan community is buzzing about Stevie’s latest project – a new album! So…with what we’ve heard so far…here’s my tenative/partial track list (in particular order):
Everybody Loves You
Itallian Summer
The Ghosts Are Gone
Wide Sargasso Sea
Annabel Lee (old demo)
‘New Orleans Song’
‘Twillight Song’
Cecelia (old demo)
For What It’s Worth (w/Mike Campbell)
In Your Dreams
My wish list…
If You Were My Love
Prettiest Girl In The World
All The Beautiful Worlds
Belle Fluer
Baby Doll
Space Needle
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Great web site! As a Stevie collector for many years, may I say I’m impressed! I’ll be checking in… Tim
Why thank you for the kind words…very much appreciated!