July 25, 2003
After a VERY long 20 something year wait…I FINALLY got to see Fleetwood Mac live. Even though Christine wasn’t there, the foursome sounded amazing (they were put here on this earth for one reason…to perform flawlessly) This is the second time I’ve been to a concert at the Rose Garden so I’m used to the fact that most everyone there wants an excuse to party and get drunk ::whatever:: We got there early they let us in around 7 and we found our 17th row seats in the aisles (front/left) directly behind the first section on Lindsey’s side. Awesome view with no one in front of us, I didn’t have to wear my 4″ heels after all ::oh well:: As we sat there talking and watching the arena fill up we noticed that by show time a lot of people were still not in their seats…Lucky for them the show started around 8:30…After ‘Dreams’ and ‘Peacekeeper’ most people were STILL finding their way to their seats ::very odd:: In fact, throughout the entire show people were getting up, going out, coming back (several times) ::fools::From ‘The Chain’ all the way to ‘Goodbye Baby’ it’s very clear this band is comprised of timeless, talented, classic people who absolutely love what they do. Lindsey was just thrilled to be there holding his hands over his heart after almost every song thanking us and being a true gentleman. Not once did I hear a single flaw throughout the entire evening. Amazing can only describe how blessed I was to FINALLY be hearing this dear band perform live before my eyes. I hung on every note, every beat, every word…

Stevie looked amazingly beautiful, dressed in a black sheer layered skirt with burnout velvet, v-neck styled top which she added her shawls,’Rhiannon sleeves’, pink/red kimono and tuxedo jacket with tails to during several changes. I could not see her feet most of the evening…yet when I did get a glance she had on comfy black low rise boots. She also wore a single diamond cross around her neck…and her mic stand was decorated in beads and ribbons with a single red rose. After having one day off her voice sounded incredible.
I’ll try to focus on the highlights from here on out…During ‘Rhiannon’ she spun around a few times waving her sleeves around her…as she chanted…’oh no rhiannon you cry and then she’s gone and your life knows no answer…’toward the ending (shortened dance version) she wailed a little on ‘take me with the wind baby take me with sky…high..’ ‘all the same…baby all the same…’ The crowd roared as she held her pose with arms outstretched…the queen of rock and roll lives!

I was prepared for everyone to sit during ‘Come’ and they did until the very end where they all got up and gave Lindsey a huge wave of adulation…he bent over barely able to move thanking us and holding his heart again…and you could hear him say…’yes…yes’ as he walked off…I stood there stunned after what I just saw…whistling and clapping the whole time…this guy is SO amazingly, brilliantly talented…
After that things slowed down with ‘Gypsy’ such a pretty song and Stevie did her finger movements for ‘little bit of fear’ and ‘lightning strikes once maybe twice’…love that…she held all the right notes and gave a perfect performance. Lindsey came out for ‘Big Love’ solo and blew everyone away again…bending over his guitar back and forth while he mimics his love making sounds…he really got into this one…What can you say about ‘Landslide’ except it was truly a defining moment…another reason for people to speculate on Stevie and Lindsey’s relationship. She dedicated the song to all of us since they didn’t know anyone or have any special memories here…well that’s ok…
Wonderful interaction with the crowd (we all sang along and that was really cool to hear, I think Stevie liked that too) especially when she held the final ‘well maaaaybeee…’she had to pause for like 30 seconds smiling ear to ear (she was beaming and Lindsey just looked at her like ‘see how much they love you’) until we all quieted down enough for her to finish ‘the landslide will bring it down…’ they held each other arm and arm and he gave her a kiss on the forehead throughout the applause. Then you’ve got Lindsey’s tear jerker ‘Say Goodbye’ with Stevie opposite singing harmony and you understand how deep their love has been (the entire audience knew too)

All I can say about ‘Beautiful Child’ is I have never heard Stevie sound so incredibly wonderful…a definite highlight of the evening (I think they should release this live version as a single) ‘Gold Dust Woman’ flowed quite well as the follow up song…Stevie pranced onstage and did lot’s of hand movements, twirls, arms outstretched. She got a little feisty on ‘and go home…aaawwwww…’ then she held the ending pose for nearly a minute at the end (a photographers dream) I never get tired of hearing this song. ‘I’m So Afraid’ is one of my favorites and I’m really glad Stevie sang Chris’ parts…old school FM…another amazing guitar performance complete with both hands flying over his head back and forth before he nearly collapses thanking us…’Silver Springs’ was…WOW…hauntingly beautiful and again, the crowd just went nuts…she did her little waving her hands in front of her face signaling how hot is was getting for her…
‘Tusk’ was such a crowd pleaser…I had NO idea how many people REALLY like this song…Lindsey chasing Stevie was hilarious, they ended up linking arms and spinning each other around before he went back to pick up his guitar and stand on Micks riser while Stevie faced Mick beating her tambourine. I really wasn’t too thrilled that they chose to do ‘Stand Back’ this tour…but I’m SO glad they did…what a high energy song and Stevie knocked us out with all her twirls and spins…I think she gave a better performance than during her TISL tour…Yeah well, the best part about ‘World Turning’ was not Mick’s ‘beat thyself to death solo’ I sat for this one…and stood once Lindsey and Stevie came back to finish…I love the song not the drum solo…They left the stage saying goodbye…and yes people actually started leaving ::hello the house lights are still off:: a few came back when they heard the first notes of ‘Go Your Own Way’ which is another huge crowd favorite…they went right into ‘Don’t Stop’ and Stevie did an amazing job taking over Chris’ part (I like this version the best) I think this was the song that a girl somehow got up onstage ran toward Lindsey and tried to give him some flowers and a hug…it was so funny because the band didn’t realize it until they saw the security guard chase after her and quickly whisk her offstage…Mick said something like ‘we can still get all the young girls’ (or something like that ::whatever Mick::) then they all said goodbye again…and yes, people in Oregon are not the brightest crayons in the box (the couple next to us finally left they were like satues the entire evening) lot’s of people leaving this time not many came back to hear another shining moment of this tour…

‘Goodbye Baby’ is such a sad song…it brought tears to my eyes…I knew this was THE final song and it would soon be over…Yes Stevie sounded absolutely amazing and it almost looked like she didn’t want to leave…standing there with her pink shawl wrapped around her shoulders all she could say at the end was “Portland…thank you SO very much…Thank You, Thank You, Thank You” as she bowed and walked toward the exit…Mick was left standing at the mic and while he told us ‘God bless, take care of yourselves and each other in this crazy world’ Stevie was standing between Lindsey’s mic and the exit just watching him with her arms folded smiling and then he said ‘And remember…the Mac is back!!!’ he walked over to her still smiling she turned to wave at the crowd and they walked off arm in arm…A totally amazing night…I wish now we would have gotten seats for Seattle…oh well, there’s always a next time…
Thank you Fleetwood Mac for an absolutely incredible performance and a night we will never forget…
Love & Dreams Always ~ Sandy