Stevie Nicks and Operation Ward 57
Musician Stevie Nicks Encourages More Support for US Troops and Wounded Veterans: During my time stationed at Walter Reed working as a nurse with wounded soldiers, many visitors passed through the doorways of Ward 57. One visitor in particular, that impressed me the most, was Stevie Nicks. Stevie Nicks visits were lengthy and were never rushed. She genuinely took the time out of her day to spend it with our nations wounded soldiers. During her visits she would distribute iPods filled with music she personally helped to pick out for our troops along with other items to help entertain and increase the moral of the patients during their lengthy recovery and rehabilitation time. The visits were very personal and did not involve the entourage of photographers and press personnel some other celebrities have accompany them on their visits. They were more one on one visitations as if she was an old friend stopping by saying hello.