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Herbert W. Worthington III

I remember a kind hearted man who went out of his way to make a Stevie-fan happy. It was back in December of 1986 when I had waited for over a year to receive anything from Stevie Nicks’ short lived fan club Fanfare Marketing. I think they offered a membership card with with your name on it, a letter from Stevie and an 8×10 promo. After writing countless times and calling a number that was disconnected I reached out on a whim and made a phone call to Herbert Worthington since his address was listed on the 1985 fan calendar that I had purchased the previous year. I had every intention to leave a message with a secretary when he answered the phone. I can’t remember my exact words but I do remember telling him how much I enjoyed his work and that I had several of his prints hanging in my house along with the ’85 calendar. We chatted back and forth like dear old friends, he was very personable and warm. I asked him about Fanfare to which he replied he knew nothing about who was in charge or anything. So he offered to see what he could do to get me the things I had paid for through the fan club. I think he was a little angry that they had taken my money and left me high and dry. I told him how thankful I was and that he really didn’t have to go to any trouble, but he insisted. So right before New Year’s Eve I sent off a package to his studio in Hollywood with a bottle of Mumm Champagne’ and a note expressing my gratitude and thanks. What followed was a wonderful handwritten letter from Herbie himself:

So I gave him a call…he remembered who I was and we began talking like we’d known each other for years. He also said he was serious about me coming to L.A. to drink the champagne’ I had sent him. I told him maybe one day but it was not to be. He told me he would get the items for me and again I expressed my gratitude. Within a month I had received a Wild Heart promo poster that he was kind enough to sign. And another letter:

I was SO blown away by his graciousness and his integrity. I wish I could remember exactly which prints he sent me. I think they were these six featured below. I never forgot those moments interacting with Herbie and even though I never met the man in person I knew if I ever did he would recognize me just as I would him. He has left behind some amazing works of art for generations to love. He will be greatly missed by many.